Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Rules: Pro or Con?

Today I was thinking about Family Rules. I have a client who I see who has a list of rules that govern the family as a whole and have consequences for stepping out of those family rules. They are all very reasonable rules as are the consequences that come with not abiding by the family rules. I read an article on creating family rules and thought I would give you a few tips if this is something you would like to institute. I would also love to hear from you on whether you think family rules are affective and good or should be tossed!?

Tips for creating your family rules:

1. Keep your list small: The more rules you have, the harder it is to follow them. If there are certain things you want to instill in your children more than others, these are the ones to create rules about. For example in my home my rules might be:

a.) Respect other people at all times (no insulting, making fun of, etc..)

b.) no violence at all

c.) Respect yourself and God in this home

2. Have these rules written out in a place the whole family can be reminded of them

3. Review them with your children by having a family meeting. Make it clear on what happens if they are not followed and make it clear by what the rules mean.

4. Rules should apply to everyone, including parents! We live by example much more than by talking and lecturing.

Any ideas on your part? What do you think about instituting family rules?

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