Friday, July 2, 2010

Self Care Sunday 7/4/2010

The most basic definition of self care is behaviors that counter the effects of emotional and physical stress. We absolutely can not escape emotional and physical stress as long as we live in the real world so it is imperative that we all learn how to do basic self care and even advanced self care. We will start with the most basic of all self care.

The first step to self care is taking care of your body. Our bodies are so important to the management of stressful situations. Every situation will seem and even feel worse if you don't feel well physically. Most of these things people would say "oh I know I am supposed to do that" but they often do not. Take a moment and go through the list of self care strategies for your body and see if you could be doing more to take care of your emotional health by first taking care of your physical health.

1. Have regular check ups with your doctor: Make sure to do yearly physicals as well as getting needed immunizations, dental check ups, vision check ups, and taking all prescribed medications. If this is something that your religion goes against then please read the other tips here.

2. Eating for fuel: So many of us eat just to enjoy food and very rarely think of food as fuel. Your body needs certain vitamins, minerals and basic nutrients to work at its best physically. This is also true for your brain and your ability to cope with problems. Talk to your physician about what calories, nutrients, and diet is needed for optimal health.

3. Exercise: Often people think that exercise has to be hard. We have become people who sit most of our lives so getting up and moving 20-30 minutes a day will not only help you physically but get oxygen moving. Your brain will work better in helping you cope with stressful situations.

4. Get therapy when needed: Now you knew I had to go with this one. So many people frown upon therapy and think "oh that is for someone really screwed up." It really isn't. Therapy is for those people who are strong enough to admit that they need someone to help them through the difficult times. You don't have to stay in therapy forever, sometimes it is just to walk through difficult times or maybe you have things you have never talked about and they weigh on you. Give talk therapy a chance!

5. Get proper amounts of rest/sleep: Most people know that they should get 6-8 hours of sleep per night so I will refrain from lecturing on that topic (as I write this post at 2 am due to my own insomnia) but what about REST. It is just as important to have down time where you do things you enjoy and find joy in. For me, that means scrapbooking, cooking, reading, organizing, and going to the beach. Find things that relax you and give it at least 30 minutes of your day. If all you can find is 10 minutes, start there. Rest is just as important as sleep to your mental health and well-being.

Self care is paramount to mental health, stay with me on Sundays to find out how to take the best care of you that you absolutely can!

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