Friday, July 9, 2010

Thirsty Thursday 7/8/2010

As we started with last week, we will be continuing our talk on ways to be truly happy. Today's way is ....


I know that when you first read this you will think "oh man Erica, that's corny" but I assure you it isn't. What I mean by this is find a place that you feel truly at peace and happy in your life. For some people it is an actual location like "the beach" or "Disneyland." For others, there are factors that must be present like "Reading a book outdoors" or "Playing my guitar." For others it may even be a state of mind like "When I have all of my work done" or "When I have time alone no matter what I am doing."

Your job is to figure out where yours is. Here are a few ways to figure it out....

  • I want you to close your eyes and begin to think of the word peaceful. Name the first place that comes to your mind.
  • What does it look like there?
  • Who is there?
  • Are you doing anything? (reading, singing, napping, praising God, playing guitar?)
  • Where is this place around you?
This is your peaceful place. Spend at least 10 minutes there a day and you will feel so much more happy. Comment if you have a peaceful place and let me know what it is like.

1 comment:

  1. I dream of having my ten minutes alone time at night to relax and read on the back deck...since I have only waited 9 years for this deck my children know the importance of letting me have this precious time or else. ;)
